There’s nothing more intense than hearing the guns of a massive battleship roaring over the open water. What, you thought online strategy war games were just about jackbooted jar heads trudging their way through the mud? War is everywhere, private, and the sooner you learn that, the sooner you’ll know what it takes to survive. This includes land, sea and air engagements. When a nation is at war, they need to be prepared for any attack at any location. In other situations, your submarine might be fired upon by two or three others that ventured into its territory for a sneak attack. Sometimes, you’ll be ambushed while on a recon run with only a dozen or so soldiers to spare. You don’t just get to choose where you want to fight all of the time, and these free war games are no exception. Use clever strategies to cut off enemy supply routes and suffocate their troops, then move in for the kill! Hey, they do say all is fair in love and war, you know. You have to have a bird’s eye view of the battlefield so that you can direct troops where to go. You can’t think like a foot soldier, who just wants to pick out targets, fire, reload and repeat. If you’re good at positioning yourself in safe areas, studying enemy troop movements and planning the perfect attack, then you would be great at these free online games. War strategy games are a great way to flex your tactical mind. War may seem like a crazy and chaotic mess to the untrained eye, but even huge-scale conflicts like the world war had careful strategists pulling the strings.

You can use it as a way to enjoy hours of adrenaline-filled excitement in this free war games category. We use war as a last resort when diplomacy has failed. He wants you to stay alive, and in war games online, that’s the only way to win. No time for hesitation, soldier, it’s time to squeeze that trigger! If you want to go home in a helicopter, and not a pine box, you better do what your commander tells you to do. You see the enemies start to come into view, just over the next hilltop. You march your way to the front line with your brothers in arms like you’re heading to your own funeral. Years of training have built up to this moment. When All Else Fails, Send in the Soldiers