We strongly recommend you stop using this browser until this problem is corrected.
The latest version of the Opera browser sends multiple invalid requests to our servers for every page you visit. The most common causes of this issue are: To help us stop these alerts, you can submit a report to your antivirus software company, they will scan the file in question that has been flagged, and it will be reviewed and will come back as a false positive.Your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to a large number of HTTP requests. I just downloaded CnCNet, or updated and my anti-virus flagged it as a virus. To help us stop these alerts, you can submit a report to your antivirus software company, they will scan the file in question that has been flagged, it will be reviewed and will come back as a false positive. You will probably find your anti-virus will be listed, among some of the others, but as a rule the ratio should be low, and this is fine. Submit the file in question to a site such as Virus Total, where it will scan the file against other anti-virus definitions.
You can remove this block by allowing it as an exception to your Antivirus firewall.
Some of our software is protected for reasons to keep CnCNet services safe and secure. Other ways a file could be flagged as a false positive is the way we protect the software from being decompiled.
This is very common in software development, especially for small scale developers such as ourselves. Anti-virus software often flag new files as a false positive, mainly because they have discovered a new file on your system they haven't seen before. If CnCNet has been blocked or flagged by your anti-virus there are a few things to note.įirstly, this warning is often nothing to worry about. CnCNet has been blocked by my anti-virus or is showing as a virus.