Let’s jump into all of the messy science fun! I sorted the experiments into a few categories so you can find what you want a little easier. And then choose the messy science ideas below that use the materials you already have! Messy Science Experiments You can definitely see what you have in your kitchen pantry or teacher stash first. Here are some of the supplies used for the messy science experiments found below (I may get commissions for purchases made through links in this post): Applying the scientific method to messy science activities can transform them into true experiments, too! Messy Science Materials That may seem like a lot of steps for young children, but I find many happen pretty naturally with the kids. Very simply put, the scientific method is process that we follow to investigate something. In addition to being messy, these science ideas also touch on the scientific method (which is what makes them science experiments, rather than science activities).

I don’t see anything wrong with that, though, since I know there are so many benefits of messy play. Yes, when it comes to exploring science with kids, most everything has the potential to be messy.

To put it simply, it’s a science experiment that’s messy or has the potential to be messy.